Sunday, November 25, 2012

Creative Stag Business Card mock up


Not really happy with how this looks. It will be redone once I finally complete the typeface.

Creative Stag Letterhead mock up


  I honestly got behind on this project because I am doing a custom typeface that is taking forever to come up with a version that I like. The name of the business is Creative Stag and will be placed in the upper left corner of the letterhead once it's done, and maybe in between the horns on the back of the letterhead.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Corporate Identity Questionnaire: Creative Stag

Part 1:

1)   What is your business?
A graphic design firm. 

2)   Describe your business in one sentence
Creative Stag is a freelance design firm dedicated to creating high quality work that will exceed the expectations of its clientele. 

3)   Who is your target audience?
The target audience will be Florida businesses that are looking to create a unique branding solution their company. 

4)   Who are your competitors?
Grafx Designs, J2 Studios, and a few other local firms.

5)   What makes them better/worse than your product/service?
One of the advantages that these firms have is an already established clientele list, and multiple designers within the firm. After looking over a few examples of their work, however; I noticed that a lot the work (like most design now-a-days) is done in a style that, while beautiful currently, may not last stylistically more than a few years.  

6)   Do you currently have an identity?  (This is more for companies that are already established and you’re just revamping the logo/corporate identity.  If you have a new company or product, skip this question.)


7)   (If your answer to #6 is no, skip this question)  What do you like about it and what don’t you like about it?
I like the color scheme and logo, and the overall feel of the identity, but I am still experimenting with a typeface that fits. 

Part 2:

1)   How do you want your image to be seen in two years?
Within two years I would like Creative Stag to be seen as one of the top freelance design firms servicing Central Florida.

2)   If your company was an animal, what animal would it be and why?
A stag. Mainly because it is already part of the brand. The stag was chosen because of the phrase "going stag" (when a single man attends a social gathering alone) but in the case the company being founded by one man.

3)   If your company/brand was a person, who would it be and why?
Alec Baldwin. He is charismatic, charming, funny, and witty.

4)   If your company/brand was an object, what would it be?
A bottle of Remy Martin Louis XIII, pure opulence.

5)   If your customer was a cartoon character, who would it be?
Professor Xavier, from the X-men. Professor X is a well educated,  very sophisticated, leader that can read your mind.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Lyrical Collage

"That's why we stick to your game plans and party lines
But at night we're conspiring by candle light." - Rise Against

   For my lyrical collage I chose to use a line from the song Satellite by Rise Against. The dissenter in the foreground stands on the White House lawn as a reminder to those in "power" that they will only maintain that position by working for the people. He also faces the crowd to remind the viewer that it is all of our responsibility to keep the government in check. I added a new flag to the top of the White House as well. The flag stands at half mass to represent the loss of once highly held American ideals, and is flown upside down which denotes a sense of distress.

Here are the links to the images that I used for this project:

**The photo of the person was shot specifically for this project**

Friday, November 2, 2012

Custom Graphic: Big Bang Theory

  For this assignment I started out with an illustration of a popular photo that came out of the Vietnam War by Edward Adams (Saigon Execution). Using this photo as a reference I created the illustration with only the brush tool by using a tablet and adjusting the brush settings to give me the look that I wanted. I then created my own brushes by taking pictures of smoke and converting a few of the images into Photoshop brushes that were used for the smoke coming from the gun. For the stars I did a Google search for "stars", and after finding an image that I liked I brought it into Photoshop and converted it into a pattern that was masked to only show in the smoke. Hope you enjoy!

The final image:

The images used for this illustration:
Saigon Execution by Edward Adams

Jeff Chambless

Jeff Chambless